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The Evolution of the Purchase Funnel

By Team Fetch

August 6, 2024

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Fetch sits down with Courtney Miller, Executive Vice President and Head of Strategy at Edelman, to talk about what the evolving shopper journey means for brands trying to reach consumers in a world where trust is central.

The consumer purchase process, once a linear path, has changed dramatically in recent years. The explosion of digital touchpoints and shifts in brand-consumer relationships have forced brands to explore new, more dynamic modes of engagement – modes that put mutual trust at the center.  

“We’re witnessing a paradigm shift,” says Courtney Miller, Executive Vice President and Head of Strategy at Edelman. “The purchase funnel no longer encapsulates the complexity of consumer-brand relationships. It’s too static, too linear for today’s dynamic marketplace.”

Edelman’s new model is represented by a series of loops with trust at the center. Rather than moving in a single, downward direction, the new framework recognizes that the customer journey is a continuous cycle, consistently integrating post-purchase experiences and brand interactions. 

Platforms like Fetch can then enhance this trust loop, building and maintaining strong relationships between brands and consumers. Fetch enables brands to reward consumers based on verified preferences and behaviors, fostering a mutual sense of value and loyalty. The approach strengthens every arm of this new purchase model, guiding and influencing the entire customer journey.

According to Edelman, 78% of consumers are engaging more deeply with brands after their initial purchase – what would be the end of the traditional purchase cycle. But what does this mean for marketers and brands? How do both make use of this new model in a tangible way? 

the new purchase funnel
The marketing landscape is changing. Here’s what brands need to know to ride this transformative tide – according to the experts themselves. 

The purchase funnel is dead, long live the trust loop

Marketers have historically overlooked the post-purchase consumer relationship. But it’s clear that this traditional purchase model is too simplistic to explain modern, non-linear consumer behavior, which considers multiple factors and touchpoints.

The new model Edelman and Miller suggest is multifactorial, considering advertising, storytelling, trust, consumer advocacy and brand loyalty as key elements shaping customer behavior and brand relationships. Coined the Trust Loop, the paradigm is backed by research: The Edelman Trust Barometer suggests an 11% return on investment when companies engage in the trust-building efforts presented in the new model. 

Miller emphasizes that the Trust Loop forces brands to move beyond traditional storytelling. Brands must encourage consumers to become brand advocates in their social circles, generating confidence amongst friends and family in the form of recommendations. This trust is central to the purchase loop, and it must be built and maintained throughout the brand-consumer relationship. 

The goal is not just a purchase but a sustained relationship that fosters brand loyalty and consumer advocacy. This new approach captures the complexity of today’s consumer behavior, which typically includes direct interactions with brands, social media influencers, peer recommendations and a greater emphasis on post-purchase engagement. 

The traditional purchase funnel is outdated, and brands must navigate these waters with renewed purpose and adaptability. Miller notes, “[We need] something that [feels] a little bit more reciprocal, and a little bit more actionable. This loop can be bolstered or broken. [Brands] work to bolster it, and hopefully, that trust will multiply.”

From insight to action: How brands can adapt

Miller offers advice for brands navigating the new purchase loop dynamic. There are 5 key steps to take:

  1. Begin with deep inquiry

    “Brands really need to know themselves and their consumers,” Miller told Fetch. “They have to have a strong conviction of what they stand for.” This conviction guides decision-making in what to emphasize and what to avoid, preparing brands to withstand market changes. A solution like Fetch can be an essential strategic partner in helping brands to understand consumer behaviors and preferences at a granular level.

  2. Invest in trust

    Miller says it is financially smart for brands to make significant investments in consumer trust. “When companies invest in trust-driving efforts, they can get an 11% return on investment,” Miller said. Fetch enhances trust by ensuring transparent and meaningful interactions between brands and their audiences, rewarding consumers in a way that builds genuine loyalty.

  3. Consider the new “influencers”

    The world of influencer-brand relationships is evolving, especially for younger generations. Today’s influencers aren’t just celebrities; they’re real people with genuine stories. Fetch enables brands to leverage consumer influencers, who share authentic experiences and encourage friends to purchase certain brands or products. This creates a powerful network of trust and support, turning brand buyers into advocates.

  4. Create real, valuable experiences

    Offering engaging and valuable experiences throughout the customer journey is key to building strong brand-consumer relationships. Fetch, for example, helps brands create personalized experiences based on verified consumer behavior. These experiences foster repeat engagement, building lasting relationships and showing consumers that a brand values their audience at every stage in the purchase loop.  

  5. Balance consumer demands with the brand story

    Miller emphasizes the brands must balance business growth and consumer expansion with their core values. The key is finding common value-based threads that connect different consumer segments without alienating loyalists. Fetch helps brands maintain this balance by aligning personalized marketing efforts with core brand values. This ensures campaigns resonate with diverse consumer segments while staying true to the brand’s essence.

How Fetch shepherds brands into the future

Edelman’s new purchase loop aligns directly with Fetch’s ability to engage and retain the modern consumer. Fetch fosters genuine customer relationships, offering a user experience that provides rewards, a fun interface and real, tangible value. 

That value exists in the form of tailored experiences built on prior purchase history. Fetch employs a robust, data-driven approach to personalized consumer engagement. With Fetch, brands can activate in an environment where shoppers feel valued, meeting the moment with next-gen adtech to prioritize every facet of the customer.

The bottom line on the new trust-centered purchase loop

This new approach challenges brands to focus on not just what they say, but what they do. This includes how they act, engage and earn loyalty from their consumers. “It’s a brand’s actions and storytelling on one side,” says Miller, “and on the other side is the consumer’s behaviors, like purchase and advocacy.” 

Understanding the shift from a purchase funnel to a purchase loop is crucial. The funnel has evolved into a more iterative and circular consumer decision journey. This evolution requires marketers to reassess how they build and maintain customer relationships. Doing this correctly, like with an assist from Fetch, can create new opportunities for brands and consumers to become a stronger force in commerce. 

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