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Muscle Milk Protein Powder builds sales strength with Fetch

By Cass Balzer

August 28, 2023

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All brands want to build strength and endurance in the marketplace. Whether to grow market share, drive volume or fend off the competition, CPG brands need to think creatively about growth strategies.

Fueling strength has always been a part of Muscle Milk’s mission. But with Fetch, a leading consumer-engagement platform, the protein brand can supercharge that message, allowing their protein powder to flex its muscles like never before.

The Fetch app enables Muscle Milk to target specific audiences based on their purchase history. By tapping into individuals’ unique shopping behavior, the brand can tailor offers to sculpt purchasing outcomes with precision.

Muscle Milk came to Fetch with two objectives: inspire new shoppers to venture into the protein powder category, and encourage Muscle Milk Protein Powder buyers to spend more on the product. The brand crafted personalized offers in order to drive the specific behavior they wanted to achieve.

Muscle Milk in the Fetch app

For example, someone who doesn’t already buy protein powder will need more of a reason – and a lower threshold – to make a purchase. With Fetch, Muscle Milk can reward this audience for simply trying their product. By contrast, somebody who already buys Muscle Milk Protein Powder will need a reason to buy more. In this case, the brand is rewarding consumers who meet a certain spend threshold, encouraging them to stock up on their favorite protein powder.

To amplify their Fetch activations, Muscle Milk is also participating in the “What’s Hot” campaign, an in-app event designed to improve offer visibility. The strategic move thrusts their offers into the spotlight, fueling offer impressions and redemptions.

Just as Muscle Milk Protein Powder can fortify amateur and professional athletes alike, Fetch fortifies the brand. The platform elevates, magnifies and propels Muscle Milk into a new dimension of visibility, reach and engagement.

Are you ready to unleash the strength within your brand? Connect with the Fetch for Business team today to get started.

Cass Balzer

Cass Balzer is a Senior Content Marketing Manager at Fetch.

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